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22 October 2013

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Gracias Adios!

Reader, I don't know who you are and you don't know me and we may never know each other in this lifetime or in this Universe but whatever that is bothering you, whatever that's causing you pain and trouble, whatever that's giving you stress and burden, whether it's you who should be carrying that burden or not, be it minute or tremendously huge, be it past, present or future,

Tack Farväl
takket farvel
Merci au revoir
χάρη αντίο
Благодаря свидания
شكرا لك وداعا
zahvaljujući zbogom
Salamat Paalam

Reader, I don't know who you are and you don't know me and we may never know each other in this lifetime or in this Universe but whatever that is bothering you, whatever that's causing you pain and trouble, whatever that's giving you stress and burden, whether it's you who should be carrying that burden or not, be it minute or tremendously huge, be it past, present or future, be it your spouse, your lover, your secret lover, your work, school, children, responsibilities to your self, to your family. Emotions you need to suppress. Rules and regulations and more rules and regulations you have to fucking follow, like who the fuck made them anyway? To the Society that gives you all of these expectations. 

Expectations you did not even ask for. 

Be it a deadline for a project or a miscarriage, your second divorce. Be it you not being able to confront your in-laws, your relatives, your friends, your boss, your colleagues your classmates, that guy you met a couple of days ago, school bullies, overgrown bullies, people who don't deserve to be called adults (you sometimes wonder how they go to live to that age) that intimidating Professor, that hypocritical priest, that corrupt politician. Power trippers. That obnoxious radio DJ, your father telling you you're good for nothing and should get a fucking life, with a suit and tie because that's how this culture gauges one's success in life. And when you do get your suit and tie, you then realize that your still the same fucking loser you were ten years ago. 

Another Corporate Slave. 

To the people who left you. To the people you once trusted. To the parents you never met but made you feel guilty all your life. Fuck.

To the inevitability of Death. To the fucking brevity of life and all that shit. To people that have to die. To the ones that matter to you the most and left you at the most unexpected moment. To the fact that you can't do shit about it and just think that we're all  just very vulnerable creatures and we should be at least happy because said person(s) at least were able to feel the rays of the sun when so million others were not so fortunate. That it's the cycle of life and yes you might bring yourself lower and have to make up these happy fantasy lands just to make sure to yourself they're doing just fine.

They're not. They're just a heap of compost now.

Terima kasih selamat tinggal
תודה שלום
अलविदा धन्यवाद
nhờ lời tạm biệt
grazie arrivederci
안녕 감사합니다

Now, I want you to say farewell to all that shit. let goooo, release all that negafuckingtivity.

I reject you Beelzebub
I reject you Satan
I reject you Sauron
I reject you Evil FSM
I reject you Palpatine
I reject you G-Man
I reject you Plankton
I reject you Zombie Jesus
I reject you Grendel's Mother
I reject you O'Brien
I reject you Ravana
I reject you Nevermore
I reject you Cthulu

But thank you for forging me into that massive steel I am today and goodbye.

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