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11 March 2014

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My Realization Toward Christianity (And Probably Yours Too)

Throughout history, there have been numerous accounts of massacres triggered by, guess what, religion. The epitome of this are the Crusades during the medieval period. Thousands of innocent lives were taken, all for the sake of religion, most of it is Christianity.

First off, we really apologize if took us ages to write a new article. We've been very busy partying, smoking and banging chicks for the last couple of months. Just kidding! We actually were just watching movies and playing video games because, yeah, we’re a bunch of fucking anti-social geeks.  Now, listen up kids, because we are about to share something cool, something that will enlighten you as a human being.  So, please, if you may gather up and alt-F4 that fucking porno tab –you don’t want Maria Ozawa disturb us during the most enlightening moment of your life. Don’t you?


Well, here it goes… (drum roll)

Y’all motherfuckers do know about the bible, right? Or, let’s say, how Jesus went down to the Earth and declared his unconditional love for you. Yes, you, the ungrateful, miserable bastard who knows no bible verse except John 3:16. Anyway, we don’t give a single fuck about it. We’re here, however, because we want you to know that, “Hey, Jesus is but a myth.”

I grew up in a hardcore Christian household. During my early years, I was taught by everyone around me that God will punish you if you piss on your bed and/or jammies (you can actually ask mom ‘bout this), and that J Christ (not J Christ of the Culprits, okay?) died for all of our sins. I mean, why? Even if I was still a sperm, dangling on my daddy’s balls, I’m a (sure) sinner already? What in great Odin’s beard is that? Okay, maybe, I’m just a little inconsiderate or that I was too young to not understand what Christianity truly means. But, my concern is, if God is really real or that this Divine Creator is just one of the Zeus’s Greeks are fond of.  Oh, and by the way, every time I ask this, I see a number of fucking Christians knocking at my door, trying to sell me their religion and that “brochure.” For me, religion is like a dick. You shouldn't just go around and shove it to someone else's throat when they don't want it at the first of place. As a matter of fact, the Bible is pretty confusing. It tells you that God loves everyone. And when you say love, it’s unconditional regardless of who you are, how you look like or how much of a douchebag you are. And then, one day, the Almighty is on his period and sends forth a motherfucking deluge, plagues, scarcity and a lot of prostitutes for our forefathers to bone (now, tell me, how the hell will our forefathers not sin with all of these bitches around downtown Jerusalem?). Throughout history, there have been numerous accounts of massacres triggered by, guess what, religion. The epitome of this are the Crusades during the medieval period. Thousands of innocent lives were taken, all for the sake of religion, most of it is Christianity. Fast forward to year 2000, this kind of onslaught didn't stop. The infamous Walisongo School Massacre can best exemplify it. It's a massacre done by Indonesian Christians to the Muslims. If you go to Google and search for the word "Poso," you'll see how these Christians take the lives of the Muslim people regardless of age. I don't know, but I think that's how they "Love Thy Neighbor." Well, anyway, I still don’t hate God after all that had happened. We’re cool, really. I just don’t seem to connect the dots of his existence and the definition that men in the Bible convey, albeit several religious scholars tried to unravel this goddamn archaic mystery.

“I don’t understand why God can be all love and still inflict this kind of pain on people. This god is an underachiever.  He does not do what he’s supposed to be doing whatever his sex is, whether it’s an it, a he or a she or whatever. But, I’m sure if you were a god or I were the god, I would be doing a better job.  Therefore the only conclusion can be that possibly god does not exist.” 

Above is a little-known quotation from Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, one of the few brilliant senators the Philippines ever had. And, yes, I’m totally with her (I speak for the majority of the Culprits). But, I’m not saying that I don’t technically believe of a Supreme Being above us, the human beings. Maybe there is or not, but I know damn well that it is not the god that most people think of. If there would be a god, let’s say, that I will believe in, it would be the kind of god that 1.) doesn't inflict a s*** ton of pain, 2.) one that is concerned of his creations and 3.) one that will make it rain cash and cookies. However, based on the things that are happening; the light is too dim for me to believe that HE even exists. Well, who the fuck I am to speak of what’s right from wrong. Or, what things you should believe in to. I would definitely defeat the purpose of free will if that’s the case then. After all, anyway, I’m just a mere geek who thinks that he’s so cool and hardcore.

Lastly, I don’t hate God. What I hate, however, are the narrow-minded people who have their minds closed to whatever possibilities there could be. They’re the types who only become faithful during Sundays, thinking that their sins will be abolished, and yet go on doing the same old s*** for the rest of the week. It seems that this day of the week is the only day for them to redeem their damned souls. It's a fucking cycle. Anyway, kids, that’s it for today. Curtains closed for the puppeteer’s show. Ciao!

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