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27 July 2013

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Who Should We Invite To Our Wedding?

Wedding day is the best day for most couples would ever have had. From the years of relationship with so many tests, challenges, and adjustments to face until the time when both agreed to enter a married life. Another short-term pressure comes in when a couple starts their planning and costing for the wedding day. Financial budget is always the first factor to be considered. But nothing beats the part where couple begins to think of who will actually be there on their lives' biggest day and event. Who will be the priority to receive an invitation card?

Who Should We Invite To Our Wedding?
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Wedding day is the best day for most couples would ever have had. From the years of relationship with so many tests, challenges, and adjustments to face until the time when both agreed to enter a married life. Another short-term pressure comes in when a couple starts their planning and costing for the wedding day. Financial budget is always the first factor to be considered. But nothing beats the part where couple begins to think of who will actually be there on their lives' biggest day and event. Who will be the priority to receive an invitation card? Of course, sponsors, relatives, and closed friends are the top priority to be invited. But is it wise enough to invite those who once doubted your relationship and decision in getting married? How will it affect the atmosphere of your wedding if they are there again?

Who Should We Invite To Our Wedding?
If you're part of the Royal family, that's a different story.
No matter how rich your possible sponsor is, if all advice he/she gave was just about breaking up and 'you’re not meant to be' stuffs during those times when you and your soon-to-be wife were in the shaky stage of your relationship, then that sponsor deserves not to be standing there watching you both march in becoming one. In choosing the sponsors, you both should altogether choose the right ones. Remember, it is not just about what they can give or contribute to your wedding; after wedding comes a married life, and these sponsors will stand as your second parents in the future, and what matters most is not what they can contribute now but what they can give, share, contribute, and do for you in the future as second parents (it could be morally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually).

Who Should We Invite To Our Wedding?
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If you have relatives (except your parents) who begged to differ at the time you expressed your decision for marriage, and deliberately discouraged you because you are not ready, you are too young, and you are incapable of getting it and giving that, then you have to say sorry to them in advance because they can't be there on your wedding day. Even those friends who never tried affirming and lifting your relationship don't deserve to witness your life's greatest event. When God answers your prayer for marriage, you are the very first person to know that it is answered. You yourself is the first person to know when God has already given you the signal to go for it. You are the first person to see crystal clear when God is already showing you the signs you have been praying for (marriage). God is too personal to get others involved; your prayer is too confidential for God to let people interfere.

Who Should We Invite To Our Wedding?
Still a better wedding day than Twilight
What I am trying to say here is you made the right choice, the right decision, and the right move before you got here; furthermore, you invite the right people to be with you on your best day, none but the right people, the RIGHT PEOPLE. Surround your wedding place with people of who, after the event, will celebrate with you as couple in love and joy, and approach you to speak words of blessing. The true place of wedding is filled with such culture of blessing and positivity.  Because once the skeptics and the pessimistic(s) will be there that day, an unhealthy feeling shall occur eventually.

Bear in mind, it is about the best day of you and your woman; therefore, you must make the best out of it for both of you. So, invite the right people to have the best wedding, for lesser is much better. Because wedding day is life's best day, not feast day.


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