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30 May 2013

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Puer Aeternus: I am Immortal

The saddest part about growing up is facing the fact that you’re not that same kid who cuddles on your mom when your sad and tries to build an airplane out of LEGOS. You tend to act like the guys you regularly see on T.V who have overwhelmingly grown beard all over their faces and lived a life similar to James Dean.

The Fear of Growing Up
The saddest part about growing up is facing the fact that you’re not that same kid who cuddles on your mom when your sad and tries to build an airplane out of LEGOS. You tend to act like the guys you regularly see on T.V who have overwhelmingly grown beard all over their faces and lived a life similar to James Dean.

But, at the end of the day, you’re still that kid who messes up with things and forgets to drink his milk on a Saturday evening. Sometimes, you wonder why your actions are far inconsistent with your age; you’re merely 21 but you still eat hot dogs like a preschooler.

When you sleep at night, you brace yourselves with the faith that your old enough to face the monster beneath your bed; trying to gain composure because you don’t want to wake your parents in the middle of their sleep. Sadly, when you say hello to Mr. Sun, your bed sheets are drenched on the aftermath of that night’s battle. Well, perhaps an alibi would do it. Is it not ironic? You preach to yourself to be the man you often watch on T.V/movies yet you walk like a cradled child - still crying over the spilled milk. 

However, you perceive yourself  in reverie with your best of friends – pen and paper. “Yeah, I just want to live life in the fast lane,” you say to yourself, “And meet that Audrey Hepburn of mine.” Such silly thoughts for a wimpy kid like you but you can’t agree more (of course, you don’t want to be a nemesis to thyself). So, you pick up your pen, beat the paper with words and wish that you can ardently write the story of your life – such wishful thinking. But, why is it so sad to grow up? Is it because you’re not equipped yet to be the Hercules you want to be or you’re just afraid to face maturity? Or, you choose to live life in mediocrity and dare not to be an exceptional man. Yes, these words are not subtle and it’s way too offensive for a douche like you. I mean, for a kid like you. Well, I hope your mom can keep up with your age. See, life (as what our pops say) is a roller coaster and there will always be up and downs; some good while some ain't.  Believe me, there’s no tenets, philosophy, law nor religion can ever make you live like James Dean because, at the end of the day, you’re still the actor of your life. Before you can sing the song you've written, be sure to tune the guitar.


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