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27 May 2013

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The Random Letter 7

Started in 2013, The Random Letter 7 is a Blog that shows the creativity and awesomeness of these two awesomely awesome guys: Mark and Alvin (although Alvin objects that his name should go first but then, what the heck, I wrote this article for god sake.

Started in 2013, The Random Letter 7 is a Blog that shows the creativity and awesomeness of these two awesomely awesome guys: Mark and Alvin (although Alvin objects that his name should go first but then, what the heck, I wrote this article for god sake. You don’t have power here buddy, sorry!
The Random Letter 7 Culprits
After all I’m 10 times a-lot-more-awesomely-awesome-er-than-all-the-awesome-words-can-explain-and-describe than you. Yeah! You’re a Dean’s Lister… So what? I’m cool. You’re a vocalist of a rock band… I’m cool and I just got better because of acknowledging you as the vocalist of your rock band. You have those cool tattoos; well I am better than you because I just acknowledged those body arts despite the fact that I have already considered you as the vocalist of your rock band… I’m sorry buddy, everybody knows you’re awesome, but you’re just way out of my league). Well, what the f*** is this all about?

Why is it Entitled The Random Letter 7?
Just a random thought that crossed our minds… just a random thought.

What’s Inside?

Expect trivia! So let’s assume that you’re that 25-year old miserable obese guy who suffers in mid-life crisis and spends most of his Friday nights inside his boring apartment that smells like a monkey-cage. Well, you spend most of your nights playing that MMORPG while dealing with a box of Dunkin Donuts and a can of Cali (At least you created this stupid imagination that you’re so cool because you thought that Cali is an alcohol drink). Well, worry no more! Now, you can finally have something sensual to say other than techniques in fast leveling and farming legendary items. We should provide you nothing but new stuffs worth discussing. Check out this blog if you want something new to contribute in parties.
Opinions: Yeah, we love writing all our opinions about the daily news and intrigues. But don’t expect us to give opinions in all of things. We only write about those interesting and important stuffs such as dirt, nyan cats, door, oven toaster and carrots. I mean, who doesn’t love carrots?
Humor: Yeah! Dark humor, green jokes (occasionally, Alvin loves to write racist and anti-feminist jokes although he looks so Chinese. He is such a cruel, yellow-dick bastard! Me… I would never write any racial and anti-feminist jokes because I know that it is wrong, and being wrong is for women. Pay me a considerable amount of money for it? Nah… what am I?...  A Jew?). Aaaaand yes… sarcasm.

To Sum it All Up…
Well, we expect you (and you should be) to be an open-minded person. Otherwise, you might find the content of this blog quite unpleasant to your usual norms. Take it easy. Please, let’s open our hearts and… uh… fuck it! Whatever! Take it or leave it… I have nothing more to say. How do I end this one, well, let’s put it this way: a giraffe is flying over a mountain of dirt and horsecrap. He is proudly sniffing the butt of a chimpanzee with swag. So, what a heck… ciao!


  1. it's nice guys!..

    so cool!.. waiting for your latest issue.. hehe..

  2. Thanks! From the bottom of our <3


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