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24 May 2013

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7 Types of Online Advertisements That Disturb Me

With the rapid technological innovations in our society nowadays, we are getting more virtually acquainted with diverse people all over the planet. This advancement has also paved the way for us, homo-sapiens, to better understand human nature. One of these is our innate desire to fumble on things because our eyes admire them.

With the rapid technological innovations in our society nowadays, we are getting more virtually acquainted with diverse people all over the planet. This advancement has also paved the way for us, homo-sapiens, to better understand human nature. One of these is our innate desire to fumble on things because our eyes admire them. We're pretty visual - complex yet true. So, why the hell am I talking about this? I want to point out those things where we easily trip off, stumble and grow ignorant. An epitome of this "human vulnerability" is the way online advertisements trick (for the better lack of terms) us. I'm not against online advertisements placed by the Colossus of the Search Engine world, no doubt about that. However, they play so damn well that we easily give in.

Advertising Online

To tell you honestly, I prefer that they would put a more decent or, shall I say, advertisements not meant for dummies. For you to better understand this idea of mine, let me present to 7 of most "dang-I-knew-it" online advertisements that are all drenched in this vast ocean of the Internet world. By the way. advertisements here are used metaphorically.


On the 7th spot, is the "Dating Game" advertisements.  In the past years, people who have no luck in love and sex life find themselves at peace with writing  someone abroad through a letter or telegram - the Pen Pal years. So, we already got that covered. It's just that now, it has taken on another form and medium of communication in this generation. Interesting, eh? "We'll see you tonight dear... at the chat room."


To fill the inevitable 6th place, the "Promise, You Can Do It" advertisements play the number games. Because people, due to scarcity of wealth and needs  in which they always blame the government for, found a place of serenity. They thought that through this, it'll answer their hunger for food, money and... money. As a matter of fact, they don't use any means to progress in life. Oh well. I'll better eat fries. Sigh

Fake Tips

The 5th place or what they usually call, the "Wonderland" advertisements. See, we always got a lot of advise and I'm talking about the quantity, "lot." In every corner of the world (i.e government, corporate realm, religious sectors), the     urge to stand alone and be the most beautiful creature, after reptiles, fuel us. Why? Because we are human. And by that said, we undeniable desire to be good, if not the best, as humanly as possible. "There's no satisfaction in life." human said.


Next to be served on the 4th spot is none other than, the "Social Media" advertisements. When we were a kid at school, there's always this fat black guy who wants to kick the life out of us. Everyday, we live a plethora of stories on this context. What can we do? We're at the bottom of the pyramid. But then, when our beards started to grow and we noticed a couple of hairs growing in our private organs, we decided to be a tough guy. Unfortunately, only when we wear the social mask at social media sites. Figurative? Nah, it's literal.


On the 3rd list is what we call, the "Child at Suit" advertisements. At a certain age, our capability to unearth truth and responsibilities, we mount on a perspective where we thought we must be the Denzel Washington type of guy in order to be successful. Or, sometimes, we imagine that Bill Gates is just meter away. Sadly, our failure to accept and grasp dreams on the right time brought us to be the Lindsay Lohan. Hence, as the curtain falls, we corrupted our own banks. Business 101.

2nd to hit the show, is the nerve-cracking and temper-stimulating, "Nuff Said!" type of advertisements. Remember how you failed your Dad when you told him that you'll wash the dishes after you're done playing Super Mario and later did he find out you're already fast asleep. Promises:Broken. A simple nature in the course of human life. Because we think that we can multi-task and believe in the power of our tongue, always say "Nuff Said" instead of planting some seeds.

Fake Fraud

To complete our package for today, a life in "Silver Platter" advertisements should finish it all. Life, as most of us consider, is like a win-win situation. I give this to her, she wins and because she wins, I also win. Hooray! As we progress on the labyrinths of our lives, the motherly shadows won't leave us. Not because the latter wouldn't, but, we beg to. Later did we realize that our age is 22 yet we still feed on our mom's breast. So gross, man. In our respective lives, where we should be the pilot, we still keep on clinging our imaginary mothers; afraid to face life and conquer the world on our own. "Here comes the airplane, baby. Say, ahh!"

Mom Makes Money

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