#7. You Don’t Pay Attention to Simple Details
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In one way or another, overlooking this area, when working on a project or an assignment, is most likely your favorite thing to do. Why? It’s because of the term, “simple.” Thinking that this would not affect your performance or it’s of no importance (unless it clashes with your monthly salary, the story would be completely different at all.), you don’t even give a damn. “That? C’mon, it’s nothing. Geez,” Well, welcome to the real world kid: you should wake up by now. Again, it is because it’s simple, and there’s no need to further explain this part.
#6. Your Colleague is a Jerk
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Indeed, there are instances where you happen to be seated next to a total jerk. And with that, I mean those types who don’t seem to grasp the reality that one is within the confines of a workplace. Thus, he/she choose to be unprofessional (i.e. sleeping, chatting, etc.). In other words, he’s a total jerk. Now, tell me: Would you not be pissed or irritated, at least? By the way, this is not to mention the fact when he/she profusely snores when to think your boss is just around. I can’t imagine.
#5. You’re Inadequate, Sadly
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BusinessInsider.com |
Wherever you may be or whatever workplace you’re in, if you’re not fit to do the job, there’s really no radical reason for you to be efficient. Do you think those big corporate shits like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates didn't realize their inefficiency at an early stage of their previous jobs? Of course, they did. They recognized this inconvenient truth that no matter how big or small the job is, if you’re not the perfect puzzle, nothing will work for both parties. Hence, they moved out, and found exactly the endeavor they should take. How about the ever-famous Microsoft of Gates or the ever-innovative Apple of Jobs? Well, that certainly explains the equation here.
#4. You’re always Minding that Bitch over There
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CherryCross.com |
Okay, first and foremost, the term (bitch) does not only apply to the opposite sex, female. But here, it symbolizes those things that are of no value and/or unworthy of your attention–during the span of your work, of course. What I’m saying is that there are too many stuff that crowds your mind, and, without a doubt, it disturbs your concentration while in the middle of doing your workloads. Put them aside, and give a fuller attention to the tasks that your boss gave you. Give yourself a lift for Zeus’ sake! You’re old enough to disseminate responsibilities on your own. Unless if you’re too inclined with that real Bitch out there, there’s really nothing that your boss can do to help you.
#3. You’re a Mediocre
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BudToBoss.wordpress.com |
Honestly, this point here is understandable. Have you ever thought of a successful mediocre in life? There’s none except for being triumphant in mediocrity. Needless to say, a number of people, like you, are certified mediocre especially in your respective workplaces. You don’t provide that extra mile to be a notch higher with your previous performance rate yet you complain about how tiring your job is. I guess I need not to tell you on why your boss often scolds you. C’mon, you really have to be that naive?
#2. You’re Only Thinking of Your Salary, From Time to Time
As what I've mentioned earlier, you won’t care about simple details until you notice the effect that it will have on your salary. Literally, people are very keen when it comes to discrepancies of their salaries or the likes as long as it concerns the money they’ll be getting on payday. Of course, who the hell would not mind to complain when it comes to this area? You should know the answer if you have a family that you’re currently supporting. However, what seems to be the issue here? It’s simple: Most probably, it will influence your mindset. Gradually, you’ll be enticed with the notion that you only work because you need to earn for a living. Although it’s controllable, your professionalism will surely be shaken. Don’t over think on this aspect, instead, work competently and efficiently. There are much greater areas that you need to be very keen of. You don’t want your boss to say the magic phrase, “You’re fired.” Anyway, you’ll still be paid regardless of your ineffectiveness, so, just be cool.
#1. Your boss, Halfway around the World (The 12-hour Difference Time Zone), Calls You
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MireView.com |
If you happen to possess the aforementioned points, this is definitely the finale. Truthfully speaking, the 7th reason applies to individuals who work in a call center. Most, if not all, of call center agents (Or sometimes they prefer to be labeled as a consultant or sales representative when, at the end the day, they’re still a call center agent) have bosses situated from the far-side of the planet. Basically, the latter calls the former to check the status of their business or sets a weekly team meeting to discuss some extensive strategies. If you did a great job, then, expect them to commend you. On the other hand, which is quite excruciating, if your performance was a bit awful, expect the worst. Technically, this point here defines a very burdened and stressed boss, who calls your attention and asks you to drop by at his office. And Viola, the music from his mouth comes out. But, if you’ll look yourself at the mirror and review why it happened, you surely will know the answer. This should be your way of gathering your senses for you not to fail the next time around. So, instead of complaining or lollygagging, be equipped to do the work. Oh, for the call center agents: Forget the time your halfway-around-the-world-boss when he calls, because in your country, it’s tomorrow!
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