7. It’s Just Plain STRESSFUL
Technically, studying is quite stressful especially if you need to collate higher scores if you feel like failing the exam. However, when you’re the type of person who only studies on the day before the exam, you’re in a big trouble for sure. The stress you’ll be getting is far more increased than the stress your mom gets when your dog poops at your door. Moreover, not only that your eyes will grow ghastly enormous eye bags (this is a big concern particularly for the ladies), you’ll have an insufficient sleep as well. Now, when it comes to the latter, everybody wants to have enough. Nonetheless, if you’re the type who listens and absorb the lessons your dull teacher/professor discusses, it’ll be a different story.
6. You’ll Most Likely To Fail
At night, when you’re faced and cornered with comprehensive books, you need not to be disturbed, of course. Why? Dude, you’ll be absorbing various pointers, which are ninety percent (90%) not coming out in the exam, just for you to be equipped for tomorrow’s battle. However, because you’re no robot and there other things you’re thinking right now (i.e. if your boyfriend/girlfriend is not cheating on you, will your mom give you allowance tomorrow for not washing the dishes, etc.), you’ll probably fail. Unlike if you have had gradually studied days before, taking the exams is just as simple as taking a shower.
5. There Are No Parties
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Photo Source: collegecandy.com |
4. It Is Not Studying, It Is Memorizing
True. True. True. Most, if not all, of the students nowadays are experts when it comes to memorizing. They can also be very professional sometimes. So, what do I really mean? Here it is: from cover to cover (even the table of contents), they know exactly what and how the words are–memorizing, that is. And yes, I’m not kidding. You may notice and/or remember your past classmates and friends who perform this hilarious sorcery. Literally, you’re not studying at all (you can even search for the meaning and differences of the terms, Studying and Memorizing, in the dictionary). Please, save yourself from this curse before it’ll be too late for you. You don’t want to be like Chatur in “The Three (3) Idiots,” right?
3. It Is A Deception
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Photo Source: www.johntyman.com |
2. You’re Missing The Fun
During school days, you’ll be able to meet and/or encounter various kinds of people. Some of them may look like the vocalist of the band, America, or may act like one of the three (3) stooges. There are also these types which act so weird; it’s either they’ll hide a cat inside their bag or they bring the animal inside the classroom. I had this experienced when I was still in high-school. And, that’s not freaking cool! Nevertheless, through this stage in your life, you’re able to appreciate and socialize (which mostly likely to happen on the day before the exam as what I stated above) with other human beings. Eventually, you’ll carry memories of them as you take a notch high in your school-life. But, if you study on the day before the exam, you’ll miss the chance of being happy and you’ll never know the answer to the question: “Did I enjoy my school life?”
1. It Will Make You Look Dumb
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Photo Source: www.vebidoo.com |
Now that the facts are laid, you should now consider the message that my mom and I want to convey to you. You’ll not only experience a new life, but everything will be in-order as well. If you want to save yourself from this illness, “Studying On The Day Before The Exam,” consider the reasons I stated above. Also, save your friends and other people, who are experiencing this sickness, by sharing this post to them. Please, it’s not too late.
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