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09 August 2013

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The Hypocrites Behind The Hypocrites

The Hypocrites Behind The Hypocrites
Few days ago, I posted about a leaked video of lovers, Chito Miranda and Neri Naig. Personally, I have nothing against the couple; they were just trying to explore the world of intimacy and affection.  We all have our own darkness and sometimes, we think like a porn star. Hence, I assume it’s not right to judge somebody’s iniquities. But hey, I’m no priest. Trust me. Besides, we've seen various video scandals that are pretty much more intense than this. So, for me, it’s nothing compared to the previous ones. Filming a private romance is still not a good idea, though. Nevertheless, as I chanced upon various comments from seemingly affected strangers, I came to discover a group of people which I’ll dubbed, “The Hypocrites Behind The Hypocrites.” Eureka!

Before I decided to write about this glorious discovery of mine, I needed to make sure that there are no loopholes. Don’t worry. I won’t be stating formulas or tenets here. Just plain major league bullshit ideas. Technically, we all know the meaning of a hypocrite. This is a kind of person who always acts in contradiction to his/her stated beliefs and/or feelings. On the other hand, this term is usually associated with false appearances on virtue or religion. Now, we certainly know who those hypocrites are prior to Chito-Neri video scandal. “I tell you: this couple will suffer in hell! They should be ashamed!”

The Hypocrites Behind The Hypocrites

Ashamed their ass! Gee, even Satan didn't know that he’ll be that cruel towards the two. What I mean is that there are really those individuals who act like they haven’t done a single mistake. Whenever there are scenarios like this, they tend to automatically start acting like the “Pharisee.” When Sunday comes, they confess their sins and remorse for the mistakes they did. But, when weekdays enter, they’re back on their old self. Well, I really don’t mind how they dictate their everyday life. I just don’t like the fact that people easily perceive a spec from another person when they can’t even notice the goddamn spec in their own eyes. Isn't that ironic? NO. It’s freaking ironic, that is.

Now, if you haven’t known, this madness is not yet the worst thing. Let me introduce “The Hypocrites Behind The Hypocrites” people. Basically, this characteristic rooted from the same group of hypocrite people. It seems to be an evolution of hypocrisy within thyself.  I noticed these evolved hypocrites from those above mentioned strangers who profusely state their stand against the said video scandal. Eventually, you can tell that there’s a drastic change. At first, when the video came out, they’ll start to thrust their personal perspectives in social media sites. They say that the couple should not do this and that or why they did they do it. Suddenly, they are starting to be hypocritical. You’ll see some of them saying, “Neri is not a decent woman, after all. So is Chito, too,” or “It is just right for them to face such controversy; they’ll burn in hell.” I tell you, this is exactly how the words are when I read those comments.  As you can see, Chito Miranda and Neri Naig are also victims. They didn't mean to let the world see how they do it on bed. Instead, we should be lucky that we are not facing such controversy. If I were on Chito’s place, I literally don’t know what to freaking do.

The Hypocrites Behind The Hypocrites

Based on how I elaborated these hypocrites, understand what type of people “The Hypocrites Behind The Hypocrites” are is quite simple. They are those individuals who feast on others mistakes and/or easily pinpoint one’s shortcomings. An epitome is the people who, without any reluctance, upload the video and spread it on the web. If you’re really a person who gives value to respect, you won’t be doing such. But, because you find someone’s video scandal a good template to start a thread, you hilariously start digging on the video scandal. Personally, the reason why these ghastly people exist, because pinpointing the mistake of a certain individual is as easy as counting 1,2,3. This is especially if they either unconsciously and/or consciously see a reflection of that mistake within their selves. And, because they don’t like how this spec exists (whether in himself/herself or in other people’s life), they put a relentless emphasis on to that to artificially proclaim that they are not that type of individual. See the level of hypocrisy here? It’s higher than Mt. Everest.  They don’t see the brighter side of such scenario. Instead, they shun the involved people to unconsciously claim that they’re much cleaner than them. Dang.

Now that Chito Miranda just released a statement regarding the distinction of his girlfriend and how people should look at the brighter side (exactly, the brighter side), I’m stoke to see how these “The Hypocrites Behind The Hypocrites” will penetrate in the social medias and websites. Anyway, for you to anticipate what probably they’ll be preaching, read what Chito has to say about Neri below (the link to where the photos were sourced).


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